Would you know what to do in an emergency?

Would you know what to do in an Emergency?
Would you know what to do in an Emergency? For many people medical emergency situations where you might need to give someone Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) may not be something you'll ever need to do, but what happens if that situation does arise? Are you prepared?
Keep It Simple
When you arrive on the scene of an emergency or accident, the worst thing you can do is rush in and get straight involved. This does not mean that fast action isn’t essential. But following some simple steps will make sure you are safe and the victim or patient has the best chance of survival
The mnemonic DRABC is a great way to remember what to do in an emergency. First, the responder must assess the situation in front of them. This assessment is known as the Primary Survey. stands for Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation. As a First Aider, when you encounter a casualty, you need to do the initial DRABC procedure, otherwise known as the primary survey.
Most people complete the basic DRABC procedure in the order that follows:
- D = Danger
- R = Response
- A = Airways
- B = Breathing
- C = Circulation
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Being able to perform CPR can in some cases mean the difference between life or death for someone suffering a heart attack or cardiac arrest so it is definitely worth investing in the skills needed to provide it safely and effectively. Whether it is due to time constraints or simply being too busy to take part, a basic first aid course is likely to be something we leave for a time when we’re less busy.
But if you lack vital first aid skills would you know what to do if someone were to have a heart attack or cardiac arrest? People react in different ways to this kind of situation, some with blind panic and others who step in and take the vital actions needed to help save a person’s life.
Keep Calm
This calm response to an emergency situation is usually down to some form of preparation. In order to react in the appropriate way, at the very least it is useful to know what to do and ideally do it correctly. Taking a first aid course with First Medical Training could be the best investment you have ever made even if the reason is simply to develop your knowledge should you be faced with an emergency. Whatever your reasons, book a first aid course with us today and make sure you have the knowledge that could one day help you save someone’s life.
Call First Medical Training today on 0330 2230 900 for details or advice on health and safety issues for business.