What do I need to know when buying an AED machine?

What do I need to know when buying an AED machine?
What do I need to know when buying an AED machine? It’s a little tough! There are so many different models and brands out there, but with our help you can find the right one for your needs. We suggest that you start by consulting this article on how to choose an AED device.
Once you understand what an AED is, the next step in buying one should be to decide which type of machine will work best for your needs. We offer two types: semi-automatic and automatic. Read on to learn more about these options!
Let’s get started
Our Guide to Buying an includes:
- What does an AED do?
- What is the difference between a semi-automatic and automatic AED?
- How does a semi-automatic AED work?
- How does an automatic AED work?
- Which type of AED should I buy?
- Do I need training on how to use an AED?
- Why Choose A Heartsine AED?

What does an AED do?
Sudden cardiac arrest is a very serious medical condition - often the most fatal of all heart conditions. When it occurs, an AED can be used to restart the patient's heartbeat through providing them with an electric shock. The device analyzes one's current rhythm and delivers the necessary charge if needed in order for their heart rate to become effective once again!
A cardiac arrest can happen without warning, and stops the body from being able to move oxygen throughout your body. When your heart stops beating, chaotic impulses travel through the cardiac muscle. These irregular signals prevent oxygen-rich blood from circulating to vital organs and brain function. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a life-threatening condition that can lead to death in minutes unless it's treated promptly with CPR or Defibrillation therapy - so be ready!
Thankfully AEDs are easy enough to use in any setting - these machines will instantly assess whether or not there's an issue with your heart then deliver life-saving therapy when needed. An automated external defibrillator (AED) helps those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest by analyzing their normal rhythm before delivering what’s called a "defibrillation". This process sends out charges that help re-establishing themselves back into having an efficient functioning body after they have experienced this terrible event.
What is the difference between an Automatic AED and Semi-Automatic AED?
The first thing you will notice when you are looking to purchase an AED is whether to select a Semi-Automated External Defibrillator or a Fully Automatic External Defibrillator, so how do you choose?
Many untrained people have an image of defibrillating a person from TV where they need to use paddles to shock the patient. No, that is not what an AED does.
An AED (automated external defibrillator) – is not a manual defibrillator with paddles. An AED uses adhesive pads that when placed on a victim will automatically analyze the patient’s heart rhythm and tell you if the person needs to be shocked.
The AED reads the patient’s heart rhythm and will tell you when a shock is needed. It replaces the experience of a medical professional in determining if the person is in a lethal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (or an unstable ventricular tachycardia).
With a semi-automatic device, you can make sure everyone has moved away from the patient before depressing the button.
Likewise, a trained paramedic can choose to override the AED device should they deem it appropriate to do so at the moment of use.
Fully automatic defibrillators do not allow for second-guessing and so may be of use in first aid situations where the operator does not want the responsibility of depressing the shock button manually.
How does an semi-automatic AED work?
A Semi-Automated External Defibrillator is used by lay responders to treat someone in cardiac arrest. The user pushes on the on button, pulls a handle or opens the lid and the AED starts to talk to you. The user will open the pads and place them on the patient as indicated by pictures on the pads. The AED automatically analyses the patient’s heart rhythm to determine if a shock is needed. If a shock is needed the AED will talk to you and tell you to clear the patient and push a shock button.
The person using the AED will look to be sure no one is touching the patient, and when safe will push the shock button. The AED will deliver the shock and will then advise to do CPR if needed. Some will coach the user in how to do CPR. Check out our range of Semi-Automatic AED's.
How does an automatic AED work?
A Fully Automatic AED or “Autoshock” AED is also used by a lay responder to treat someone in cardiac arrest. The user pushes a button or opens the lid and the AED starts to talk to you just like a semi-automated one. The user will open the pads and place them on the patient as indicated by pictures on the pads. Once the pads are in place, the AED analyses the patient’s heart rhythm to determine if a shock is needed. If a shock is needed, the AED will talk to you saying a shock is needed and will automatically shock the patient without you having to push the shock button. It will warn not to touch the patient prior to automatically delivering the shock but could deliver a shock if someone is touching the patient. Many will also coach the use in how to do CPR.
The difference between the units is that a Fully Automatic unit will deliver a shock without human intervention and a Semi-Automated AED will require a user to push the actual shock button. Check out our range of Full Automatic AED's.
Which type of AED should I buy?
Here at First Medical Training, we offer a range of brands of both Semi-Automatic and Automatic AEDs. Every brand has been carefully selected to sure they are incredibly safe and easy to use with highly reliability.
All the AED’s we offer analyse the patient’s heart rhythms and determine if and when a shock is necessary, taking all the guesswork out of the care process. The devices are lightweight and compact for portability, and they look sleek, professional and non-threatening, something which is important for those who feel daunted by using an AED for the very first time. Let’s take a look at the different models and go over some key features.
Do I need training on how to use an AED?
AEDs are designed to be used by anyone. Anyone can save a life with one of these devices, but for some reason it is not automatically done as soon as the person needs help and instead everyone stands around waiting for an expert to show up even though they have no idea when that will happen or what condition the individual's heart is in.
Here at First Medical Training, we pride ourselves in providing the best first aid training possible to ensure you are ready to provide care when it is needed. This is why it's essential for us to provide training on how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). Through our services, you can be assured that your safety and security will always come first. Our blog, Why Do We Need AED Training, will give you more information about this.
Whether you're a doctor or not-a-doctor person like me who wants more knowledge of what they see people doing with these machines all over TV--these important devices are available right now! So don't wait-- use your skills now!
Why Choose A Heartsine AED
HeartSine co-founder Professor John Anderson (M.Phil., Ph.D. Medical Engineering) was for many years a key member of the Board of Directors and our Chief Technical Officer. In the 1960s, Anderson was approached to start the biomedical engineering group at the Royal Victoria Hospital and headed the effort to produce the world’s first mobile defibrillator to bring the expertise of the hospital to the patient to improve outcomes. The result changed the way emergency care is delivered globally, a legacy which endures to this day.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. When it happens, HeartSine’s Automated External Defibrillator technology can make the difference between life and death.
When time is of the essence in reference to Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), nothing should be left to chance. A difference of mere minutes can determine life or death. Response time is of the utmost importance and First Medical Training appreciates the fact that only the best equipment will do. First responders and similar medical professionals will therefore be pleased with what the HeartSine Samaritan 350P defibrillator has to offer. Not only is this one of the most reliable systems on the market today, but a user-friendly interface ensures that critical seconds will not be wasted during an emergency.
The HeartSine PAD essentially performs two tasks simultaneously. It first accurately analyses the heart rhythm of the patient. This enables the unit to supply an appropriate shock which will then re-establish a normal heartbeat. Another unique advantage of this package is that video and audio aides will guide the user during the defibrillation process; a notable feature in the event that it happens to be utilised by a novice.
This Automatic External Defribillator (AED) represents the pinnacle of quality at a highly competitive price. It can be used on adults as well as children over eight years of age (or weighing more than 25kg). This single-use device is supplied with an expiration date in order to guarantee life-saving efficiency at a moment's notice.
Please take a closer look at this defibrillator as well as the many other products supplied by First Medical Training. We will also be pleased to address any questions that you may have.