What's The Best Defibrillator For Small Businesses?

What's The Best Defibrillator For Small Businesses?
Ever struggled to find the work out which is the best AED for your small business? You are not alone as this is one question we get asked over and over again. It's important to have the right equipment for your workplace. The four best office AED defibrillators are all available here, so take a look at our comparison table and read reviews on each device before making any purchases!
We've created this guide that will help you understand what factors should be considered when purchasing an automated external defibrillator.
Let’s get started
Our Guide AED’s in the Workplace includes:
- Are AEDs Required in the Workplace?
- What Are The Top Features For A Small Business AED?
- Best Defibrillator Comparison
Are AEDs Required in the Workplace?
At present, there is no regulations requiring employers to provide AEDs in the workplace. However many responsible businesses owners have started to implement these into their first aid equipment. It's important for you to evaluate the risks within your workplace.
An AED is an essential medical device that can protect you and your staff, clients or guests from untimely deaths. Medical emergencies happen at any time so keeping these devices on hand for sudden cardiac arrests will make a difference between life-saving treatment options available in case someone experiences one of these tragic incidents while working with us!
What Are The Top Features For A Small Business AED?
SIZE: The size and weight of an AED are critical to consider when designing a business's emergency response plan. It should be small enough for you, but large enough so that it can function efficiently in case anything goes wrong during one of those cardiac arrest emergencies!
POWER: In order to be an effective partner in saving lives and reducing complications during Cardiac arrest, your AED should have advanced clinical features that you can use. You may either choose between fully automatic or semi-automatic models depending on what will work best for patients at your office!
EASE OF USE: An AED should be easy to use and operate during cardiac arrest emergencies. Choose one with a clear power button or activation controls, simple graphics that are understandable in an emergency situation where time is crucial for survival--and usable features too!
MAINTENANCE: An AED should be easy to use and operate during cardiac arrest emergencies. Choose one with a clear power button or activation controls, simple graphics that are understandable in an emergency situation where time is crucial for survival and usable features too!
Best Defibrillator Comparison
Surprisingly little regulation is in place from governments regarding workplace AED’s, however, educated, and compassionate employers will always ensure that all employees know how they can access this life-saving equipment should the need arise. After all we don't want any innocent people getting hurt because someone didn’t think ahead enough about what would happen if something went wrong—and luckily now there won't ever again thanks to YOU taking charge today with our helpful guide.